Wednesday, May 25, 2011

a give-a way

this is going to be a win-win situation!

i am looking to spread the word about my photography. as soon as i reach 400 "likes" on my facebook page by June 6th, this is what i will give to one lucky winner.

1. 1.5 hour photo session with me (does not include weddings)

2. 20 x 24 canvas print from our session.

3. 5 x 5 softcover custom photo book of your session

4. custom scrapped frame from yours truly

5. cd with your best images edited
this package is worth well over $400.

i will travel up to 2.5 hours for the shoot. this means, if you live on the mississippi coast, in the new orleans area, hattiesburg, etc. i will come to you. if you live further than 2.5 hours, don't count yourself out, because we can always arrange a meeting point!

what's the catch?

FIRST CHANCE: all you have to do is "like" my facebook page and leave a comment here on the blog telling me you've done this. if you are already a liker, then you can leave a comment here telling me so.

SECOND CHANCE: post a status update on your facebook page telling your friends about my give-a-way and make sure you link back to this blog! leave a comment here telling me you've done this.

THIRD CHANCE: tweet about my give-a-way and add a link back to this blog. leave a comment here telling me you've done this. (add your twitter id, too)

FOURTH CHANCE: blog about my give-a-way and leave a comment here telling me you've done this. also, add a link to your blog in your comment.

you have 4 chances to win. make sure you leave 4 separate comments for each action. as soon as i reach the 400 mark on facebook i will randomly draw for this prize and announce a winner.


  1. First chance: I've liked your page, Paige

  2. Second chance: status update? Check

  3. Third chance: Tweeted. Because I really want to win a photo shoot for my 2yr old. (well, really, a photo shoot for my 2yr old to surprise with my wife, but since she follows me on Twitter, she probably knows)

  4. First Chance - I already liked your page!

  5. Second Chance - I posted your link on my page. Not sure if I did it correctly? Hope so!

  6. I liked your page...adorable pic to go with this post too! :) Good luck on the giveaway!

  7. 1st - I already LOVE your page ^_^
    If I win, can I take as long as I need to redeem my prize?! LOL! I'm more than 2.5 hours away. haha


  8. 2nd - updated my status for you!

  9. 4th - yes, I skipped 3rd because I can't log in to Twitter for some reason!

    and I even changed my profile pic!

  10. I liked your page and posted on my FB status.
    If I blogged or tweeted I would shout it from there as well.

  11. 1st one done! =) I am a newbie also!

  12. 3rd one done (kelliehardeman)

  13. 4th one done! (

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. 3rd! aaah, there's my Twitter! Consider yourself Tweeted!


  16. I already like it. I can't do it again :)

  17. Love your pics. Tweeter about you, too!.

  18. Already liked page, so done!

  19. I just liked your page on facebook! Love your photography! Now you are one person closer to your 400 fans!

  20. just did a second chance on my facebook page. Hope this helps AND I hope we win!

  21. first chance i liked your page

  22. second chance i posted a status on facebook!

  23. First chance..liked it..Second chance...posted FB..and Third chance..posted to twitter @kkfinnegan ! Best of luck to you and your business!!
